Sluurpy > Restaurants in دُبي > ‪kanteen By Mahesh Lunch Home‬

Review ‪kanteen By Mahesh Lunch Home‬ - دُبي

(تمت الترجمة بواسطة Google.) أود أن أبدأ بالقول إن مطبخ Kanteen الحضري هو مفهوم جديد من إعداد Mahesh home. لديهم تصميمات داخلية جميلة وأجواء من الدرجة الأولى. لذلك تمت دعوتي لحضور جلسة صف رئيسية حيث تعلمنا أطباق ممتعة. بدأت مع الشاي والبسكويت. وحتى زيان صدف أن ابني غمس البسكويت في الشاي وشرب كل شيء. بالنسبة للصف الرئيسي ، كان لدينا سلطة هات كي كينوا (دجاج / خضار) ، أحببت النكهات الموجودة فيها وكانت ممتلئة تمامًا. بعد ذلك كان الأرنب تشاو ، أحب كيف أوضح الطاهي كيف تم طهيه. إنه يشبه كعكة يفتح من الأعلى ويمتلئ بالزبدة بالدجاج أو باف باجي. أوه ، هذه كانت الجنة ويجب أن نحاول. هذا طبق مستوحى من جنوب إفريقيا. ثم كان الدرس التالي في السوبر بول ، وهو يشبه وجبة كاملة تتكون من دجاج مع صلصة شيزوان وأرز مقلي وخضار ونودلز مقرمشة في الأعلى. كانت النكهات من الدرجة الأولى ويمكن أن تطعم شخصين بسهولة. بعد ذلك ، ذهبنا لتناول أطباقهم الأخرى في قائمة الإفطار ، 1. شارع بومباي يذوب السندويش 2. دوسا تاكو 3. برجي بالبطاطا. وأخيرًا للحلوى المصنوعة بالكامل في المنزل ومذاقها هو نفسه. ذهبت للمحاولة ، 1. كعكة الشوكولاتة سوجي 2. لفافة بانير كرارة (مقاس الإصبع) 3 - دونات الشعيرية بألوان قوس قزح ، بالتأكيد سأعود إلى هذا المكان. (التعليق الأصلي) I would like to start by saying that Kanteen urban kitchen is a new concept by Mahesh lunch home. They have got beautiful interiors and the ambience is top notch. So i was invited for a master class session where we learnt interesting dishes. Started off with Tea and cookies. And even Zayan my son happened to dip the cookies in tea and had the whole thing. For master class we had Hatt ke Quinoa Salad (Chicken/Veg), loveed the flavours in it and was quite filling. Next was Bunny chow, loved how the chef demonstrated how it was cooked. Its like a Bun opened up from top and filled with butter chicken or pav bhaaji. Ohh this was heaven and must try. This is a South African inspired dish. Then the next class was on the super bowl, its like a whole meal consisting of chicken with schezwan sauce, fried rice, vegies and crispy noodles on the top. The flavours were top notch and it can feed two people easily. Next we went on to have their other dishes in the breakfast menu, 1. Bombay Street melt sandwish 2. Dosa Tacos 3. Burji with potato. And finally for the dessert which is completely made in house and it tasted the same. Went on to try, 1. Sooji chocolate muffin 2. Karara paneer roll(finger size) 3. Rainbow vermicelli doughnut, I would definitely come back to this place.
Scrumptious Scavengers
(تمت الترجمة بواسطة Google.) لقد تمت دعوتنا لدورة رئيسية ووجبة إفطار صباح يوم سبت وهو ما يستحق الاستيقاظ مبكرًا من أجله. كان معروفًا سابقًا أن Mahesh Lunch Home تم الآن إعادة تصميمه وأصبح الآن يحمل اسم Kanteen الذي يلبي احتياجات كل من يفضل الاسترخاء والاستمتاع ببعض الوقت أو قضاء بعض الوقت بين العائلة والأصدقاء مع بعض الطعام الرائع بالطبع. التصميمات الداخلية خفيفة مع اقتباسات ملتوية وديكور خشبي ومقاعد مريحة. لقد تم الترحيب بنا ببعض العصائر الطازجة كبداية. قررنا تناول عصير البرتقال ، وكان منعشًا للغاية. ثم جاء dosa tacos بينما كنا ننتظر الطاهي ليبدأ المحاضرة الرئيسية. كانت سندويشات التاكو لذيذة مع حشوة من البطاطس والجبن ، وهي مزيج كلاسيكي ولا يمكن أن تخطئ في هذا. تضمن العرض الرئيسي ثلاثة أطباق: سلطة الكينوا ، سوبر بوول وطعام الأرنب. تم تحضير سلطة الكينوا Hatt-Ke مع الدجاج والكينوا السوداء لغير النباتيين بينما تناول النباتيون الكينوا البيضاء مع القرنبيط والخضروات الأخرى. لأولئك المهووسين بالصحة ومحبي الكينوا ، لديك فائز هنا. تأتي نكهة المقرمشة الخاصة من كوري روتي المشهورة في مانجالور. يحتوي Superbowl أيضًا على نسختين أحدهما مع الدجاج والآخر مع بانير. الوعاء مصنوع من أرز مقلي بالبيض ، بروتين ، خضار ، ثوم مشوي ونودلز مقلية. إنه طبق هندي صيني وحشو فائق. باني تشاو هو طبق جنوب أفريقي وهو عبارة عن كعكة محشوة كبيرة. هناك أربع حشوات مختلفة ، جربنا باف باجي وأذهلنا بها. كان الباجي مطبوخًا جيدًا. هذا الطبق جيد بما يكفي للمشاركة بين 2-3 أشخاص بسهولة. بالنسبة للمشروبات ، رأينا كيف تم صنع Mandarin Mint & Kokum Cooler. بعد المحاضرة الرئيسية ، جربنا مسدس الموروجان السريع ، ولفائف دجاج تيكا ، وشارع بومباي ذائب. Quick Gun Murugan عبارة عن فطائر محمصة في التوابل والسمن. كانت هذه لذيذة ومثالية لتناول وجبة خفيفة. رول دجاج تكا مصنوع من البراتا محشو بالدجاج والخضار. يقترن مع وجبة من البطاطس المقلية. قم بإذابة شطيرة جبنة مشوية مصنوعة من الطماطم والجبن. أيضا ، يأتي مع بطاطس مقرمشة. الأجزاء جيدة بما يكفي للمشاركة بين شخصين. جميع الخوادم كانت لديهم ابتسامة على وجوههم وكانوا مضيافين للغاية. التسعير معقول بالنسبة للجودة والكمية المعروضة. سنعود لتناول طعام الأرنب وتجربة المزيد من الأطباق التي فاتناها هذه المرة. (التعليق الأصلي) We were invited for a masterclass and breakfast on a Saturday morning which was worth waking up early for. Previously known has Mahesh Lunch Home has now been remodeled and now goes by the name Kanteen which caters to everyone who would prefer to relax and enjoy some me time or spend time amongst family and friends with of-course some amazing food. The interiors are LIT with quirky quotes, wooden décor, and comfy seating. We were welcomed with some fresh juices to begin with. We decided to go with the orange juice, and it was quite refreshing. Then came the dosa tacos while we waited for the chef to begin the masterclass. The tacos were delicious with a filling of potato and cheese, classic combination and cannot go wrong with this one. The masterclass included three dishes: a quinoa salad, superbowl and bunny chow. Hatt-Ke Quinoa salad was prepared with chicken and black quinoa for non-vegetarians whilst the vegetarians had the white quinoa along with cauliflower and other vegetables. For those health freaks and quinoa lovers, you have got a winner here. The special punch of crispiness comes from the kori roti which is famous in Mangalore. Superbowl also had two versions one with chicken and one with paneer. The bowl is made with a base of egg fried rice, protein, veggies, roasted garlic and fried noodles. It is an Indo-Chinese dish and super filling. Bunny Chow is a South African dish which is basically a large stuffed bun. There are four different stuffings, we tried the pav bhaji and were wowed by it. The bhaji was well-cooked. This dish is good enough to share between 2-3 people easily. For the drinks, we saw how the Mandarin Mint & Kokum Cooler were made. After the masterclass, we tried the quick gun murugan, chicken tikka roll, and Bombay street melt. Quick Gun Murugan are idlis tossed in spices and ghee. These were flavorful and perfect to snack on. Chicken Tikka Roll is made of paratha with a stuffing of chicken and veggies. It is paired with a serving of fries to go with. Bombay Street Melt a grilled cheese sandwich made using tomatoes and cheese. Also, comes with crisp fries. The portions are good enough to share amongst two people. All the servers had a smile on their face and were very hospitable. The pricing is reasonable for the quality and quantity offered. We shall be back for the bunny chow and to try more dishes we missed out this time.
Rajashree Ramchandani
(تمت الترجمة بواسطة Google.) هل تريد أكل المأكولات البحرية الطازجة؟ ثم هذا هو المكان. لم يخب ظننا قط هنا. زرت هذا المطعم في عدة مناسبات. إنها تخدم أكثر المأكولات البحرية الطازجة وستقوم أيضًا بتعديل التوابل حسب حاجتك. قد يكون الذهاب يوم الجمعة محفوفًا بالمخاطر قليلاً. إنه مزدحم للغاية وقد تضطر إلى الانتظار. يأخذون حجز tabke على الإنترنت أيضا. الطعام والخدمة- ممتازة! (التعليق الأصلي) Do you want to eat fresh sea food ? Then this is the place. Have never been disappointed here. Visited this restaurant on several occasions. They serve the most fresh sea food and will also adjust the spice as per your need. Going on Friday can be a bit risky. It is extremely crowded and you may have to wait. They do take online tabke booking also. Food, service- excellent !
Danjid TK
(تمت الترجمة بواسطة Google.) أفضل مطعم مانجالوريان في دبي. جو لطيف وخدمة جيدة. المقاعد محدودة. حجز مقاعدك لتجنب الانتظار. أطباق المأكولات البحرية جيدة للغاية. كراب سمن مشوي مع دوسا نير يجب تجربته. يمكن للمرء أن يختار من سرطان البحر الحي أو سرطان البحر وسوف يكون الطبق الخاص بك جاهزًا. وقد بدأوا مؤخرًا في تناول طعام غير نباتي (مأكولات بحرية أو دجاج) على الغداء. ينصح به بشده!! (التعليق الأصلي) Best Mangalorian restaurant in Dubai. Nice ambiance and good service. Seats are limited. Book your seats to avoid wait. Seafood dishes are too good. Crab Ghee Roast with Neer dosa is a must try. One can select from live crab or lobster and your dish will be ready in a giffy. Recently they have started Non Veg (Sea food or Chicken) Thali for lunch. Highly Recommended!!
Ashish Chakravarti
(تمت الترجمة بواسطة Google.) سرطان الطين هو التخصص هنا. سلطعون ثوم الفلفل بالزبدة هو ببساطة يمن وكذلك سلطعون الفلفل الأخضر. يجب أن تجرب مكان لمحبي سرطان البحر (التعليق الأصلي) Mud crabs is a specialty here. Butter pepper garlic crab is simply yum and so is crab chilli green pepper. A must try place for crab lovers
Shalini Murugesan
(تمت الترجمة بواسطة Google.) يمكن ملاحظة المطعم بسهولة والأجواء مذهلة ... (التعليق الأصلي) The restaurant is easily noticeable and the ambience is astounding...
Sanish K N
(تمت الترجمة بواسطة Google.) ذهبت مع بعض الأصدقاء والعائلة. لم أستطع الاستمتاع بتخصصات المأكولات البحرية لأنني كنت صائما ، وبالتالي لم يكن لدي سوى بعض خياراتهم النباتية. استمتع الآخرون بتخصصاتهم واستمتع الجميع بالطعام. شعرت أن العناصر كانت مرتفعة الثمن قليلاً. على أي حال إنه مكان أقوم بزيارته مرة أخرى في وقت ما في المستقبل لتجربة عناصر المأكولات البحرية. (التعليق الأصلي) Went with some friends and family. Could not enjoy their seafood specialties as I was fasting and hence had only some of their vegetarian options. The others enjoyed their specialties and everyone enjoyed the food. Felt that the items were a bit highly priced. Anyways its a place I would visit again sometime in future to try out the sea food items.
Ashutosh Sahoo
(تمت الترجمة بواسطة Google.) ليس مكانًا رائعًا لتناول الطعام. لم يكن الروتيس بهذه الروعة ، فقد تدهورت جودة كاري السمك إلى حد لا أستطيع أن أذكره ، زبدة الدجاج ماسالا كانت جيدة ، المشروبات والماء كانت تقدم ساخنة. قالوا إنه بسبب زيادة الطلب ، لم نتمكن من الاحتفاظ بالمشروبات في الثلاجة (التعليق الأصلي) Not a great place to have food. Rotis were not that great, fish curry quality has degraded to an extent that i cant mention, chicken butter masala was ok, drinks and water wer served hot. They said due to more demand v werent able to keep drinks in refrigerator
Suman Nirvan
The best mangalorean prawn curry ever!... Everything you order here will taste yummy...I guarantee it...i loved it and it's a regular for our family and will be for you too.
Yogesh Advani
Excellent Food...! BUTTER GARLIC PEPPER PRAWNS are simply irresistible. Egg Bonds something unique...! Great food for family! Cheers to lovely food...!
Armaan Kanchan
The food was delicious and interesting. The mangalorean korri roti and chicken sukka was just ok but the rest of the food was tasty . The pav bhaji bunny chow was served fresh and tasty. The interior of the restaurant too was well done.
Kaushik Juluri
i was there for dinner, ambience is great......I felt the food was just ok.....quantity is very less and felt too pricey for what they are giving....just one time try !!
If you are big fan of mumbai sea food, then this place is heaven for you. Also this place serves parsi food as well, haven’t tried many dishes, but whatever i was been suggested was up-to the expectations. Worth trying for mumbai seafood experience.
Priya Raj
Taste is good, lack of variety but definitely a different experience compared to a normal restaurant. Food served as per the name mentioned in the menu gives us an aww feel..
Kaps_food Explorer
I still miss Mahesh lunch home, not very happy with Kanteen... It’s been a while when I visited this place and tried bunny chow.. Sorry guys but you have screwed the dish... Kindly rework on the dish I have lot of Durban emotions attached to it...
Suhayil Safeer
Went here for a casual lunch with family . Pretty cozy place with good ambience.<br/><br/>Ordered the bombay duck, the ghee roast prawn and chicken to have with neer dosa. The ghee roast dishes were pretty gravy filled and spicy. An ok ok try.<br/><br/>I would say the mutton biryani stood out well. Was very tasty. As well as the triple schezwan chicken which is a must try.<br/><br/>For dessert we got the gulabjamun and cheesecake which was stupendous.<br/><br/>Drinks - Limesoda , lassi and mandarin mint ( must try )<br/><br/>Overall ratings:<br/><br/>Ambience: 3.5/ 5<br/>Food : 4/5<br/>Service : 4/5<br/>Menu : 4/5<br/>Price worth : 3.5 / 5<br/><br/>Overall : 3.9 / 5
Sukumar Thummapudhi
Good place to visit and their ambiance is excellent. Try any fish in the menu. I tried prawn and lemon fish with ghee rice, I would say one of the best in the town. Price is higher than other restaurants
Anju Elizabeth
Went to celebrate our wedding anniversary over a weekend lunch and was highly disappointed.... 5 star pricing with 1 star quality and taste of food... I don't think I have had such bad food in recent times. We ordered a kheema taco dosa which was a very tiny portion but tasted kind of OK... We always look forward to a good mixed platter of our special occasions and ordered one... I picked the fish to try and was put off by the taste. It had the taste of fish which was frozen over a long period. Chicken kabab was OK.. The marinade had only one flavour which was an over powering ginger garlic one. We had ordered Hyderabadi chicken Biriyani which had chicken pieces which had the off taste and rice which had no flavour at all.. All this followed by a bill of 135 AED... To add when the waiter came to clear the plate as he was picking them up dropped some food on my dress... A day we looked forward to was spoiled royally.. The only good thing I can say about the restaurant is its ambience.. Service and food is miserable.... Never going back there....
This is the first time we visited Mahesh Lunch Home after it was renamed "Kanteen Urban Kitchen" - completely transformed. Bits of old memories lingered in the new place! And we were very intrigued to know how mich had changed.<br/><br/>Not one bit disappointed. The new decor is very chic and rustic. Clean and beautiful. Menu cards are also revamped with a few varieties and some old ones. Was glad to see some old faces among the servers.<br/><br/>Seeing a rather empty restaurant made us think "don't people come here anymore ?" Still we went ahead and ordered Prawns Dhamaka, Chicken Sukka, Roasted Basa, some indian breads and Fish Biryani. Omg ! It was delicious. Every dish was beautifully presented and the taste of was super. Didnt regret to come here after all these months. The roasted Basa was the best ! So much so that we reordered the same dish ❤<br/><br/>The place started filling in after 9.30pm. So in short we were early in there. A big 👌😍 to this place. Same flavors maintained and some new dishes in there. We were given a complimentary in house bread with chilli mayonnaise. Nicely presented. It was a reasonably priced wholesome meal.<br/><br/>Thanks you for maintaining the original flavors.
Steffi Lopez
Absolutely loved the creative menu which has dishes like dosa tacos with shrimps and spicy egg bonda. The Parsi Dabba - Mutton dansak with brown rice is by far the best dansak I've had till date!
Gulshan Kumar
Good food and customer service.must try the fish. Yummy foods.must visit . Good place for foody people.good ambiance with good music. Must try. Good ambiance
Shruti Kamath
I am a Goan and love the flavor of the food here especially the Bombil fry and shells ghee roast. With Zomato gold you get great offer on food.
Yesterday we are there fabulous food but service was very poor. We can understand its new year night but restaurant was empty that time. But food was really good I like that restaurant from mumbai.
Tamanna Rajagopal
Amazing food. Loved the butter pepper garlic squid, Sindhi Dabba and the Parsi Dabba! The chapattis were like homemade rotis. The gulab jamun saffron cheesecake is a must have. Absolute money's worth. A wonderful change in ambience and menu options. A special thanks to our server Yogesh for his professional yet friendly service. Will be returning soon!!
Manoj Sahoo
Mahesh lunch home had been in my bucket list since I had an amazing experience in their Juhu, mumbai branch.. they are best know for their awesome crabs.. unfortunately today they didn’t meet my expectations.. had ordered garlic pepper crab, prawn gassi, chicken shukka, neer dosa.. don’t blame the empty shelled crabs as we don’t have any other options available locally except the blue crabs.. but the garlic sauted was burnt and tasted bitter.. Prawn Gassi taste was bland.. chicken Sukka had too much grated coconut which overpowered the taste.. one star for the interiors and Two star for the fresh prawn and crabs used.. service did take some time but no complains if they cook fresh...
Zam Shajan
I must say this place is quite suprising....every dish is beautifully crafted ...perfect example of Indian fusion food done right.<br/><br/>So I had Butter pepper garlic squid , chicken 65 pakoda , mushroom pepper fry with lemon rice , Mandarin mint, elaneer pudding with lamington.<br/><br/>Squid was perfectly cooked ( it's indeed quite a skill I must say )<br/>Plating of chicken 65 pakoda absolutely fantastic ...<br/><br/>Mushrooms were sauteed to perfection and the combination of lemon rice was perfect.<br/><br/>Elaneer pudding with lamington was right with the sweetness and dried coconut shavings ...but it's quite over priced ....wish there was a flavor of coconut water in it as I couldn't feel any ....<br/><br/>Good job guys ☺️<br/>
On 17/12/18 When I visited I ordered (a) #chitchat #chaat (AED 11) - Assorted street food from India. Aloo tikka chaat taste in a bowl and corn and peanuts based snacks in the cup respectively are truely delicious. I would give 4.5* for Aloo tikka (potato croquette) which was sweet and tangy and also contains fried crispy spinach. Other two items deserve 4*. Overall, My PmP rating is 4.5* for the taste and presentation, (b) #kottubowl (AED 47) - Originated from a place called Virudhunagar, Tamilnadu this popularly known roadside dish is made using shredded parotta (kerala bread) and mixed with shredded chicken. Salna (typically a sauce) comes in the side. Arugula and crispy pappad (sort of wafer) are used for garnishing. Liked it! So my PmP rating is 4*, (c) #sukka #chicken (AED 40) at @kanteen_dubai - Coolest part of this dish was the taste of dry coconut in manglorean spices which I simply enjoyed it. Its little spicy but goes well with appam. Boneless chicken was well cooked and marinated that the spices were well infused. My rating would have been high but slightly disappointed with high oil content. Hence, my PmP rating is 3.5*
Nice place with rustic look , most importantly great service . Menu had great choice and Indian food in different styles .we went for the classic mahesh lunch home dishes but we tried the new twist of the choices .<br/>Enjoyed the food and great price.
the kanteen chicken starter quantity less for theprice paid.The mutton biriyani tasted so bad as it had too much Garam masala <br/>The combo kanteen chicken gravy with 3 small naan (size of palm)not worth the money quantity less.<br/>The server was rude as he brought the bill and we Saïd zomato gold available . After bill raised he cannot cancel. We have visited other restaurants never come across this <br/>He also mentioned that one or two items what we ate is not part of zomato we should have told when we initially ordered. the wooden furnitures are not comfortable for dining. this woulf be my first and last visit.
Heard a lot about this restaurant, so decided to pay a visit with friends. The interiors are vibrant, laid back with excellent space around.<br/>Makes you feel right at home. We ordered Begun Bhaja Tempura, Chicken 65 Pakoda, Prawns Dhamaka and for mains Prawn Curry with Appam and Parota.<br/>The Tempura and Prawns Dhamaka tasted great, however the prawn ghassi was absolute letdown. Tasteless and bland and Pakoda was dry and meaningless. The King Fish Fry was yummy and divine. APPAM was clearly Dosa in a pan and Parota tight and weird to taste. Being a hard south Indian foodie I know my appams and curries.<br/>THE FLAVOR IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN PRESENTATION.<br/>The beautiful thing was the Chef was extremely kind to take our feedback constructively (which is very rare) and he was a great listener and complimented us with a special dessert which blew our mind.<br/><br/>All in all the menu is great but the taste of food needs a lot of work.<br/><br/>I Cant wait to come back here to see what changes will be made and try more stuff on their menu.
Neha Lalge
I had hosted my sons birthday party here, special thanks to Mr.krishna the manager, who made it possible and provided us with Excellent food and service. The food was so finger licking good the guests couldnt get over it. And the service was so clean and well managed by the staff.<br/>Definitely looking forward to this restaurant for the next party.
Meera Narayana Polaki
Been here with my family.nice warm friendly atmosphere.prompt service and tasty food.<br/>Budget friendly too.staff were well dressed and neatly maintained restaurant.
Larisa Andrade
I was here for a quick dinner. I ordered for Manglorean sishes- Chicken Sukka, Chicken ghee roast and Neer dosa. The food was great and the ambience was good.
Nida Siddiqui
Finger licking good food from Bombay duck,Bangda,fish curry to prawn curry..awesome ambience,excellent food..what more to end a perfect evening with close friends and family.My dad loved this place and make him remember India once again..
This time on my foodventure I got the chance to visit kanteen with one of my friends. Lovely ambience and staff were really friendly. Our order was as follows,<br/><br/>1. BUNNYCHOW (Rogan Josh) (47 DHS) : Hallowed out big bread with mutton curry filled in it. The flavor was amazing and mutton was cooked really well.<br/><br/>2. SCHEZWAN BOWL (47 DHS) : It was a bowl of rice with slices of chicken. This was amazing and fulfilling as well.<br/><br/>The only thing that was a downer, I would say was the prices. The reason of 4 stars is because of the pricing but hey as I always say do check it for yourself. 😁😋<br/>
Natasha Jain
The management has done a great revamp of the traditional lunch home. I tried their Butter Chicken Bunny Chow which was absolutely delightful along with the Kolkata Rolls and Dosa Tacos. Very interesting menu options. The desserts however were a bit disappointing but the staff ensured to provide the best possible service.
Not well cooked chicken , very oily , disappointed by Punjabi thali , other dish was just ok , expecting better food from this place, very expensive too
Good food and quick service <br/><br/><br/>The PAV bread, panner and chicken rice bowls were really worth a try. The bread sticks was kept for complimentary was different taste with red sauce. <br/><br/>Recommend restaurant for a different taste.
Ayub Mohammad
After seeing good rating I tried Kanteen urban kitchen. We ordered chicken dum biryani, frontier chicken and chicken tikka. The biryani wasn’t bad, the tikka was good but the frontier chicken was waste of money and not at all worth. It was a dull dish with a weird taste. <br/>Ambiance: 3/5<br/>Cleanliness: 4/5<br/>Taste: 2/5<br/>Service: 3/5<br/>Value for money:1/5<br/>Overall: did not have a good experience with the taste of food but the service was good. The food is overpriced as compared to the quantity and taste.<br/>
Scrumptious Scavengers
We were invited for a masterclass and breakfast on a Saturday morning which was worth waking up early for. Previously known has Mahesh Lunch Home has now been remodeled and now goes by the name Kanteen which caters to everyone who would prefer to relax and enjoy some me time or spend time amongst family and friends with ofcourse some amazing food.
Absolutely love it when classic brands up their game by considering the consumers needs!<br/>Kanteen is one such great example, they don't still serve their classic menu of Mahesh lunch home but also have added a variety of healthy options .<br/>I got to try the quinona salads and various super bowls from the healthy range.<br/>Loved the taste and the portion sizes. Value for money indeed.<br/>A special mention about the delicious butter chciken bunny chow.<br/>Overall a great place to enjoy some great dishes at a great price.<br/>
This is a fusion food concept! The fusion is food from around the world with a sprinkle of India. From healthy quinoa bowls to butter chicken bunny chow each dish is well presented and good value. They have a selection of tea and mocktails as well as fresh juices. It is located in Al Karama opposite Burj Aman Center. The restaurant has plenty of seating with a modern interior. It is a part of the Mahesh Lunch Home family. Overall it is great for lunch and breakfast! ❤️
Fathima Afrah @in_n_out_ontario
Food talks about restaurant & quality, tried the food at a event extremely satisfied with the taste , mutton roll made me go for the 2nd one , not a fan of veg burger but there Mumbai burgers made me say wow , taste really good .<br/>#asian #indian #foodie
Shveta Unnikrishnan
We visit the restaurant for my Dad’s birthday who loves to eat fish. He has been a regular patron of their Mumbai outlet and we were expecting the same quality of food here in Dubai. However we were disappointed that the food was not up to the mark. The fried fish was not crisp, the prawns in the prawn curry was not marinated well.<br/><br/>Some of us were vegetarians and were very disappointed that there was hardly anything on offer for the vegetarians.<br/><br/>The acoustics are too noisy to make a decent conversation.<br/><br/>All in all not an up to the mark experience.<br/><br/>
would have liked it a little more was 30 minutes late but the manager did follow up to see whether i got the order after i had rang up to complain about the delay..the egg bonda def can do with a liitle more spice - both the batter and the stuffing..quick gun murugan had no ammo!
Decent place. Good for peaceful dinning with family or friends. Good options for both veg and non vegetarians.<br/>Food: - vegetarian preparations are exceptional. Non vegetarian is decent. Fish is good particularly. Chicken quality can be improved.<br/>Ambience: - Good comfy and warm interiors. Innovative and contemporary. Lighting is subtle.<br/>Service: - very good service. Helpful staff. If you are in fix what to eat..waiters surely know what the kitchen is best at!
Visited mahesh lunch home after along time and noticed the complete makeover which is not bad at all, but unfortunately along with the look of the restaurant the quality of the food has changed too. We ordered the Malvani dabba which consist of malvani prawn curry, usal, rice and chappati. <br/><br/>Sadly your prawn curry had lacked the taste of malvan style cooking and had no trace of the roasted coconut n onion paste, the flavors of the whole bunch of dry spices masala seemed lost. <br/><br/>The usal was not any better and infused with a strong flavor of burnt garlic.<br/>Sol kadhi was good. <br/><br/>Overall quite a disappointing meal.
I wish there was a negative star rating, and i could give to this restaurant where we were waiting for food for more than an hour and everything came to our table in shifts. <br/>Food quality and taste was not upto my taste and liking as well. <br/>Staff seemed to be enjoying theme selves and was not bothered about our continious complains. <br/>It was a big let down
Rakshith Kamath
Prawns Chilli pepper for starter and crab chettinad with appam for main course was good. Service was courteous and good . Desserts didn't like much. Ambience is sweet. Overall a little bit expensive.
Sabiha Degani Joshi
Absolutely amazing place,impeccable,friendly and polite staff.Food is to die for.A must visit.Will definitely be back and recommend to friends as well.Thankyou and keep up the good work.
Howard Fernandes
Tried the place twice and we loved the food there, you must try the chicken cream kebab and prawns in green chilly and pepper. Tried the Calcutta mutton roll too it's nice but a bit salty
I had heard a lot about Mahesh Lunch Home, in Mumbai and also here in Dubai but I had never tried it because I thought they don’t have much options for vegetarians. But then I decided to give Kanteen a visit & got to know they have a lot of vegetarian options 🤩 I tried they Kokam Cooler, Sol Kadi, Hatt-Ke Quinoa Salad, Paneer Super Bowl, Paneer Super Roll, Pav Bhaji Bunny Chow & the Bombay Street Melt Sandwich. The food was yum & the portions were huge. My Favorites were the Hatt-Ke Quinoa Salad because the Dressing was tasty & unique, 😋 not like the usual boring quinoa salads that you get. My other favorite was the Paneer Super Bowl, because it was a complete one bowl meal, and it was super delicious & healthy 💪🏼 <br/>Over I had an amazing experience, the staff was polite and they knew their stuff very well. 👌🏼
I would like to start by saying that Kanteen urban kitchen is a new concept by Mahesh lunch home. They have got beautiful interiors and the ambience is top notch. So i was invited for a master class session where we learnt interesting dishes. <br/><br/>Started off with Tea and cookies. And even Zayan my son happened to dip the cookies in tea and had the whole thing. <br/><br/>For master class we had Hatt ke Quinoa Salad (Chicken/Veg), loveed the flavours in it and was quite filling. <br/><br/>Next was Bunny chow, loved how the chef demonstrated how it was cooked. Its like a Bun opened up from top and filled with butter chicken or pav bhaaji. Ohh this was heaven and must try. This is a South African inspired dish.<br/><br/>Then the next class was on the super bowl, its like a whole meal consisting of chicken with schezwan sauce, fried rice, vegies and crispy noodles on the top. The flavours were top notch and it can feed two people easily. <br/><br/>Next we went on to have their other dishes in the breakfast menu, <br/><br/>1. Bombay Street melt sandwish<br/>2. Dosa Tacos<br/>3. Burji with potato.<br/><br/>And finally for the dessert which is completely made in house and it tasted the same. Went on to try,<br/><br/>1. Sooji chocolate muffin<br/>2. Karara paneer roll(finger size)<br/>3. Rainbow vermicelli doughnut,<br/><br/>I would definitely come back to this place.
Heard a lot of lovely things about this recently revamped place! <br/><br/>Recommend the: <br/>- Dosa tacos<br/>- Mushroom pepper fry<br/><br/>Limited options for vegetarians (as usual...we live a sad life)<br/><br/>Service: Warm and pleasant
Revisited Kanteen, after its rebranding from Mahesh Lunch home ..the ambiance is very young and zesty...a complete change from the earlier classic look..<br/>the menu is interesting..a lot of fusion food to choose from ..although i would have liked to see more vegetarian main course options...<br/>we ordered for the mushroom pepper fry, the bombay sandwich , chettiar prawns and the fish curry...<br/>flavors on all the dishes were good.. and portions are great for sharing as well...<br/>we wanted to try the kulfi kunafa for desert but they had run out of  we had the rabdi instead...this was pretty ordinary...<br/>service was great! no complains!
Mehroof Mahmood
<br/><br/>So this what all we tried , loved the food and the ambience . <br/><br/>Dosa tacos - mini crispy dosas folles with spicy potatoes and cheese and kori roti ( a mix of South India , Mexico and manglore) <br/><br/>Bunny chow - a famous South African dish in Desi version . Freshly baked bun filled with paav baji or butter chicken .<br/><br/>Classic Bombay toast.<br/><br/>Egg hash , egg burji with potato hash .<br/><br/>Super bowl, a south east Asian inspired bowl which is filled with Desi version of fried rice and curry . <br/><br/>
Shabina Afzal / Shabosphere
Recently visited the renovated Kanteen Restaurant which was earlier known as Mahesh lunch house .i have been to <br/>Mahesh Linch house for their thali and rava fish fry .<br/><br/><br/>Mahesh lunch house serves malwani and coastal mangalore delicacies . Now they have renovated to a cool quirky canteen style eatery serving some dishes from the Mahesh lunch house menu and rest of the dishes are fusion dishes inspired from around the world .<br/><br/>First of all a big appreciation is must for the ambience , they have created now . Total make over . The place looks like a cool hangout place , with lazy benches and funky quotes .also it looks more spacious . <br/><br/>We had a master class with the chef and we saw how they prepare their dishes quick and tasty, also could say healthy with no additives.<br/><br/>We were welcomed with karatea and biscuits, totally loved the karak chai . Strong and the sugar was perfect .<br/><br/>In the master class we learnt 3 dishes and a drink. The dishes were -<br/><br/>A healthy quinoa chicken salad , I loved how light and tummy filling the salad . A complete mix of protein , vegetables and healthy carb . What I loved the most was the crunch factor they have added in it . The mangalore special kori roti - it’s crispy rice dosas pappad kind .<br/><br/>Then the second dish was an Asian inspired super bowl . The super bowl is a bowl with all you need to fill your tummy . It’s a main course as it is . Chef prepared an egg fried rice and added to the bowl , then he prepared schezwan chicken and added that . Then sprouted beans and roasted garlic and fried noodle. Crunchy and mild spicy dish . Just like an asian street food . Easy to have on the go .<br/><br/>The third dish was my personal favorite, bunny chow aka stuffed buns they have it in four different flavors . Chef demonstrated us the butter chicken bun and also gave the veg paav bhaji bun to taste .This is also a main course of its own .This is a South African inspired dish , poor mans food . Where they have more of carbs and less of protein. The buns are prepared in house . A tasty light bun is filled with butter chicken and served .<br/>When you cut the bun , the butter chicken oozes out which is soo satisfying to see and the bun takes up all the butter chicken goodness also . The bunny chow comes with sarson patty with Apple lime seasoning .<br/><br/>The drink we mastered was a unique version of sol khadi which is konkani kokum drink . Kokum , curry leaves lemon juice with sprite and soda . A perfect sweet and sour mojito to sip on . <br/><br/>After master class they did serve us their fusion breakfasts .<br/>Indian omelette with hash potatoes. <br/>Dosa Tacos , I loved the mini dosa tacos filled with cheese and kheema . <br/>They also didn’t forget to serve us their Bombay Street style sandwich . Don’t forget to munch on those when you visit . <br/><br/><br/>For sweets I had something which I have never tried earlier . Suji chocolate cupcake and healthy donuts . I just had small tastings only pretty good .<br/><br/>As its Diwali season around we had some take way of a box filled in with Indian sweets .<br/><br/>Final verdict - An ideal spot to take family and friends for a casual dining experience. The service and food was good . So was the quantity of dishes. Loved their pricing also .
Em Serrano
Kanteen by Mahesh Lunch Home<br/><br/>It’s a fusion of Indian, Asian, and Western Cuisine. They offers a urban food experience. <br/>The chef make us •Bunny Chow Butter chicken/Pav bhaji, sarson galawat and apple lime puree •Hatt – ke Quinoa salad (Chicken/Veg) •Super bowl – schezwan ( veg versions like pav bhaji)<br/><br/>It was really fun masterclass. I’ve learned a lot and the food was really amazing.<br/><br/>•Sooji chocolate muffin<br/>•Karara paneer roll(finger size)<br/>•Rainbow vermicelli doughnut,<br/>•Bombay street melt sandwich<br/>•Bunny Chow Butter chicken/Pav bhaji, sarson galawat and apple lime puree<br/>•Hatt - ke Quinoa salad (Chicken/Veg)<br/>•Super bowl - schezwan ( veg versions like pav bhaji) <br/>Thank You @kanteen_dubai & @hyperlinks_media For Great Breakfast plus Addition Food knowledge.😘 Rate: 4.5/5<br/><br/>FOOD: really amazing! Especially the Super bowl – schezwan ( veg versions like pav bhaji) very tasty and satisfying meal. And the serving is huge.<br/><br/>STAFF: Very accomodating, friendly and Approachable<br/><br/>PRICE: 150aed approximately for 2 person.<br/><br/>LOCATION: Near in Park Regis Hotel,Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Street, Trade Center Road, Al Karama, Dubai
Azianzia-Dubai Blogger
Kanteen Urban kitchen is a brand new concept by Mahesh lunch home with a fresh ambience and menu with a twist. We bloggers were invited for a Masterclass session where we learnt some interesting dishes like salads, drinks , super bowl etc. We started with Tea,coffee – cookies and Juices to kick start the session. I absolutely adored the tea and cookies.
Rishika Kunal
Attending a master class was something I tried for the first time, being a food lover all my life, I usually wondered what happened “behind the scene” and what secret recipe was added to make it taste so good! Though I had the curiosity, I was simply lazy to experiment anything at home but after attending this class, I can happily say that I feel more enthusiastic to cook something from scratch. I learned the Hatt - ke Quinoa salad, one delightful salad which you simply can’t get enough off and am definitely trying out this recipe at home! It was a fun class where the chef showed us how to make few dishes right from the scratch…and oh my-my! The food was so good that my mouth waters as I type about it.<br/><br/>This place which kick-started in Mumbai decades back to serve home-style Mangalorean coastal food and was quite famous for seafood became everyone’s instant favorite! Now coming to Dubai, this branch has started something quite new, though they still serve the Mahesh Lunch Home Menu, they have also started with the Kanteen Menu, and I have no words to describe it as this scrumptious menu is addictive. Starting from the Bombay street-side sandwich which will literally take you down the memory lane, and you will miss the street side food back home! This sandwich is finger licking delicious and so cheeeeeesssssssy that you are simply gonna love it!<br/><br/>The new Kanteen menu has a lot of Asian Fusion Cuisine. You will probably come across all possible street food classics but with a twist. Special mention goes to Bunny Chow with the pav bhaji twist. This Durban dish, which is basically a hallowed out bread loaf, served with an Indian curry stuffing inside is sure to steal your heart away! Also if you are super hungry and looking for a meal, you have to go for a super bowl which is a meal in itself loaded with all the goodness of veggies, rice, the meat of your choice! It’s not only delicious but also contains all the nutrients your body needs!<br/><br/>Now coming to the desserts, their kalakand tart is mind-blowing, actually, it can turn out to be the best Diwali sweets, why go for the same old ladoos when you can surprise your relatives with the kalakand tart. Also, Gulab Jamun and Nan khatai was a hit on the table.<br/><br/>Now coming to my favourite, desserts! I know that I have already mentioned about desserts in the earlier paragraph but this one is DIFFERENT. These desserts are never seen or heard before…you probably have come across various food recipes with a twist but have you heard of dessert with a twist?<br/><br/>These desserts are insane, to name a few…...I tried the Sooji Chocolate Muffin, Karara paneer roll, Rainbow vermicelli doughnut…they are so appealing and innovative! It’s a “Must Try” when you are at Kanteen.<br/><br/> <br/><br/>Overall I absolutely loved the beautiful foodie adventure I had at Kanteen! If you truly love food, then nothing can stop you from visiting this place. Highly Recommending it!
Najukta Sayyad
Kanteen Dubai is one of the fusion restaurant located in Al Karama. We were invited for a blogger meet here, but anyway we were supposed to visit this place as it is in a hype these days. <br/>This restaurant has got one of the best ambience and interiors along with spacious seating capacity. <br/><br/>Talking about the food.... <br/>We tried their yummy hatt ke quinoa, Akoori on hash, bunny chow, dosa tacos, super bowl, and some light snacks.<br/> Hatt ke quinoa is basically quinoa salad with an Indian twist. I usually dislike salads, but this one was so yummy. <br/>Akoori on hash is parsi style scrambled egg on potato hash. Another amazing dish.<br/>Bunny chow was our favourite. It is basically a paav bhaaji with sarson galawat and Apple lime puri. Both veg and butter chicken bunny chow were amazing.<br/>Dosa tacos were tacos stuffed with minced chicken in non veg and chilli sprinkle, potato n cheese in veg. <br/>Super bowl: a full meal more than enough for one person. This super bowl has fried rice with gravy, fried noodles and garlic. This was the star of the day.<br/>Light snacks platter had suji (semolina) cupcakes, donuts, paneer rolls and bombay street melt sandwiches. All these tasted good too.<br/><br/>Overall it’s an amazing place with reasonable prices and really really friendly and joyous staff.
Sonia Khiara
Visited this place for a quick bite. So as recommended by the staff I ordered the chicken tilka roll and the chicken butty. It took 20 minutes for the food to come to our table and also the service is a bit slow. The chicken butty was nice it was buttter chicken in the bun. Tikka roll was not that great.
Dsouza Cma
Had an awesome dinner with friends here. We ordered :<br/>Starters: pomfret tawa fry, shrimp crispy, Bombay duck<br/>Main course: chicken ghee roast, manglorean king fish curry, neer dosa, steam rice<br/><br/>Everything was so perfect made and had such perfect flavour and taste it felt like eating in mangalore itself, more than food what made a big impact was our server Yogesh who suggested us what to order and served us with an amazing smile.<br/>The new avatar of mahesh lunch home is definitely a must visit not only for its renewed menu but amazing servers like Yogesh.
Nabhas Narulá
We Had Fabulous Kebabs and Biryani While our Stay thrice We Visited this place. Service is also Good. Keep it up And Will Come Back again for Sure.
Weekend Escapes
Nice attempt by mahesh lunch home.<br/>Kanteen is quite a trendy restaurant with eye catching detailed interior.<br/>Very welcoming and helpful staff.<br/><br/>Tried their mangalorian prawn curry Tiffin. More than enough for 2 people. Food arrived hot in a dabba style Tiffin on the table . Very well cooked prawns , spicy and quite satisfactory.<br/><br/>Will be surely back to try the other dishes
Surupa Mukhopadhyay
A place with very heart warming interiors and decor, and a very helpful staff, I truly enjoyed the food here. The portion size of the food is a great value for money, and the taste of each dish is unique to its own. I enjoyed the concept of Akoori on Hash and the Palak Khichdi, very new dishes that I've not tried before.
Niha Sameer
I truely am i big fan of the pav bhaji here which they serve in a bread bowl fulfilling for 2 and absolutely soft bread. The kanteen kebab were also good with the right blend of spices topped up with cheese. Also the roasted garlic chicken was good.
Went there over the weekend. Was really keen to try it as they have quite a lot on their menu. I’m a huge appaam and curry fan so I was looking forward to that the most. And it definitely didn’t disappoint. <br/><br/>We started of with:<br/>- chicken shezwan tikka, absolutely amazing!<br/><br/>- chit-chat chaat, which was good too<br/><br/>-chicken 65 pakoda, I preferred all the other starters<br/><br/>- Bombay duck fry, which for someone who isn’t a huge fried fish fan I actually liked it <br/><br/>Main course:<br/>We were so full so opted to keep it’s simple with chicken chettinad and appam. This for me was the star of the meal!<br/><br/>Will definitely go back!<br/>
Mahesh Restaurant has put its standard eats as a canteen. The food quality has come down considerably. The service is even worse <br/>Pomfret size and quality has shrunk but not the price in the name of chicken stew they serve vegetables sweet combination are awful. <br/>A waste of money, time and appetite.
Dr. Sanjeev Dixit
Today urban kitchen by mahesh lunch home Manager Krishna hosted me and my family for complimentary dinner basis our last feedback. I must compliment him and chef subrat to take personalised care of us and recommended excellent items for starter like dynamite prawns and Kolkata mutton roll alongside fresh fruit juice. Both the starters were mouth watering and good on palate . Main course we had karara mutton and paneer hyderabadi which were well prepared and presented. Icing on the cake was dessert served with kulfi and paysam. Overall I am impressed with the experience and customer orientation demonstrated by Krishna and Subrat overall rating 4/5<br/><br/><br/>
Shruthi Dhan13
Came for a casual meal here with friends. While service was amazing and quick and ambiance was quirky, music was good, great ambiance, food didn’t exude the best of tastes. I really liked their mutton paratha roll and chettinad fried egg. The eggs on hash was also good. Their bread and pav in general was too heavy and filling. We also order the chicken mince kebab with Telangana flavours which was decent and the idli with Guntur powder was on the same lines. The Gulab jamun cheesecake was a bit off in taste and temperature wise too. <br/><br/>Portion sizes are quite decent and overall experience was decent too.
Shubh Chatterjee
To start with, the ambiance is very pleasant and well made. Service is up to the mark and staff is very very well behaved and courteous. Coming to the main deal, I have never have so fresh and well cooked squids in Dubai before. The crab was amazing as well. They have a choice to choose from two types of crab, which is the best part. I have visited Mahesh Lunch Home both in Mumbai and Dubai before and Kanteen is up to the standards as well. Surely a place to be visited soon.
Samina Charles
The fish tikka was delivered on time and cooked properly. But despite requesting to make it less spicy .They didn't alter the spice level.No other issues.
Abhishek Pandey
Don't let the name fool you guys. It's one of the most amazing place to relax and enjoy a nice meal. I liked the place a lot. It's pretty spacious for a restaurant located in Karama. <br/><br/>Food is amazing. I liked the way they serve combo meals in their menu. <br/><br/>Will definitely visit again!!
Eylene Ajith
The previously existing Mahesh Lunch Home given a brand new, quirky avatar! <br/><br/>We had some Manglorean friends over and thought it best to hit this place (known for their sea food and Mangalore style preparations) and also because we could have some expert opinion on which dishes to order. We were 6 people.<br/><br/>1. Sol Kadi (AED 15): A konkan kokum drink. First try and loved it. Made with coconut milk, the kokum lends a rose color to it. Fancy looking and tastes like buttermilk. <br/><br/>2. Mandarin Mint (AED 18): This is an immediate thirst quencher made with soda. Citrusy with a hint of mint.<br/><br/>3. Chicken Lollipop (AED 34): 6 pieces of chicken drumsticks served alongside chilli sauce. Quite normal.<br/><br/>4. Chicken Sukka (AED 40): Chicken made semi-dry gravy. In absolute love with this dish- the mellow taste of fried spices, warm chillies. Grated coconut added made it all the more mouth-watering (my Kerala roots are to be blamed for this!).<br/><br/>5. Butter Chicken (AED 47): Butter chicken was meh. Alright, Okay. It was a tad bit too sweet for my liking. <br/><br/>6. Malabar Curry- Hamour (AED 50): The Malabar curry wasn't really the Malabar style, made a mistake ordering it from here. Just fine.<br/><br/>If you are craving or want to try Manglorean food (only this), consider making a stop here.<br/> Also, the pricing is on the higher side with nominal food quantity.<br/><br/>The place has plenty of seating area, parking outside can be a lil exhausting owing to the line-up of restaurants next to it. <br/><br/>VFM: 3/5<br/><br/>Recommended: Chicken Sukka (AED 40)
Nikitha Chethan Kumar
Ambience is really beautiful. Food is served on time and beautifully presented. Service is really good<br/>The best chicken gheerost ever tasted at Mahesh Lunch Home. Prawns gasi was also the tastiest. The whole decor of the restaurant is really beautifully, attractive hoardings.
Vipin Vijay
Very good ambience and friendly customer service to start off. Was bit skeptical at first before visiting this place but once we entered the place and the food was served.. The first bite itself changed my whole view about this place. Very tasty food.. We tried the Hyderabad Briyani and Hamoor Tikka... It was just spot on. You could literally taste each and every herbs in ur taste buds. Will recommend this place to everyone.. Should try this perfect dine out place with your friends and loved ones. Will surely be back for more!<br/>
Shivankit Mehta
A very contemporary and still homely food kinda place . It is a very healthy amalgamation of Stree food and sense , which as a combo is rare . The chit chat is super affordable and worth to be relished . The place does remind you about the Mumbai Food amidst the city’s hustle bustle . Value for money and value for a second visit too..!!!<br/>
Nice place, aswm food, helpful staff. Order was served well in time. Value for money. Very creative interior. Loved the place. Highly recommendable
This is an edited review after my last review of the restaurant and I decided to give it another shot. This time, I was pleasantly surprised!!<br/><br/><br/>Starters<br/><br/>⭐️ Complimentary breadsticks with a garlic sauce. Unlike last time, the bread actually tasted fresh and crisp.<br/><br/>⭐️ Prawn Dhamaka - A saucier and richer version of the famous Dynamite Prawns at P.F Changs. Little on the heavier side, but definitely recommend!<br/><br/>Mains <br/><br/>⭐️ Butter Chicken Bunny Chow - This is the first time i'm trying a bunny chow. Loved it! The butter chicken was slightly sweet ( just the way i like it ) and was a great combination with the bread!<br/><br/>Drink<br/><br/>⭐️ Manadarin Mint - Orange, Mint and Soda. Just the drink you need in the summers! quite refreshing 🙂 <br/><br/>⭐️Hot Toddy - This is a great drink if you're looking for something warm to drink with cloves,cinnamon etc. However, it was piping hot when it arrived and stayed that way for the next 10-15 minutes. Tasted decent nevertheless.<br/><br/>Dessert<br/><br/>⭐️ Rose Rabri Falooda - The rabri was out of this world. This is just a great dessert!<br/><br/>⭐️ Elaneer Lamington - An unexpected but delightful combination! Must try if you love the flavour of coconut!<br/><br/>Special thanks to Mr.Krishna for suggesting the dishes and ensuring such a great experience :)
Used to find the earlier avatar very expensive and menu fish focussed. Now Kanteen has a superb menu with something for everyone including vegetarians. Prawn gassi, keema, clam sukka my favourites. Appams very tasty indeed. A must go!
My first visit since the revamp. Loved the Kheema poutine & if ur looking for some authentic mangalorean food.. Try the mangalorean bowl ( Kori Rotti).. Mandarin Mint🍹 👌
Mohammad Ismail
Butter chicken, paneer and Dosas are the unequivocal ambassadors of Indian Cuisine. Unfortunately, these ambassadors do not give due justice to the sheer diversity of Indian cuisine. With every state having its own unique cuisine, I have but only scratched the surface of the motherland’s diversity in food. Urban Kanteen is an unassuming establishment that is run by the well-known Mahesh Lunch Home chain of Mumbai. With an emphasis on coastal dishes, I was thoroughly impressed with the eclectic flavours and it was refreshing to try out something other than the usual barrage of dosas and ‘sabzi’. <br/><br/>Out of the dishes that I’ve tried out, I’d give my uno primo vote to the ghee roast prawns. The thick gravy has just the right amount of heat, is perfectly seasoned and goes well with the succulent prawns. The serving portion is adequate for two folks. Moving over to the sides, I’d choose the Appam over the neer dosa. The Appam’s slight tang is a better complement to pretty much all the dishes and it is also the more economical option. Sukka clams are a great option if you’re looking for a thicker gravy. <br/><br/>The weak points of the menu are the drinks and appetizers, with drinks having the lower score. I’ve had the Mandarin Mint and Guava Twist and both drinks pale in comparison to the succulent main course offerings. The Hamour Tikka, though cooked perfectly, was lacking in flavour and was a stark contrast to the rich main course offerings. Despite these chinks in the menu, the main course offerings propel this restaurant through and make it fully deserving of a glowing thumbs-up.<br/><br/>With its delectable offerings, Urban Kanteen is a fantastic place to try out the lesser known local cuisines of India. A professional staff and a modern yet warm décor are the icings on top of the cake. Kudos!<br/><br/>Food: 4.8/5<br/><br/>Value for Money: 4/5<br/><br/>Service: 4/5<br/><br/>Ambience: 4/5
Sachin Parab
Hi friends,<br/>Very nice place to have non veg food specially fish, I have tried their fish pomfret Bombay duck and mackerel.<br/>I found fish was not that fresh except mackerel, however they have offered us Mud Crab black pepper garlic masala it was really awesome.we will try that again.<br/>Staff is really good they have offered some nice sweet at the end.
Good ambience and presentation. Two points for that. Food unfortunately needs a lot of work. I mean a lot of work. Quantity, quality and most importantly the taste all were below par. If the prices were half of what they are, I would have said that the value is low, but the current price levels are just absurd.
Krishna Shetty
A completely transformed Mahesh Lunch Home to what I have known for soo many years - which was for Some Yummy Tasty South Indian Sea Food delicacy and now with Uber chic ambience - it’s definitely One should not miss in Dubai... We soo miss our authentic Manglorean dishes away from home.. Ordered Bangda (Macarel) gassi (which is Gravy) in manglorean terms; Chicken Sukka (which is bit thicker Dry gravy); Sol Kadi (Kokum Drink) with Neer Dosa (which is like soft paper Dosa) AND it was mouth watering.. Being a foodie and a Manglorean - I cannot ask for anything better and these on my table.. my take - 5 on 5 for Good Food, Ambience, Service, Quality and for this I might not even look at the Price they would charge for it - Even though it is little on higher side.<br/>Recommend to try - Sol Kadi - never tasted such refreshing drink on a sunny afternoon...
Afra Mir
Chit Chat Chaat, Kanteen Kebab, Chicken 65 Pakoda, Veg Finale & Butter Chicken 🔥 | Loved the presentation and the theme of this restaurant. Many vegetarian options are available as well! My favourite was their Kanteen Kebab, it was delicious. 😋 A must visit!
Ameet Wadhwani
Was not impressed at all knowing the Mahesh Lunch Home background as mentioned. Maybe the Seafood could be good but I am not trying them again. Don't see a reason why the would charge AED 40 - AED 50 per dish for small portions - Guess they are charging for their name and not the food.
Raj Kadam
One of the best Indian Food Joints in Dubai. Food is super delicious. Most importantly, the staff is extremely polite and friendly, which makes ur dining experience enjoyable. I love their Kokam mocktail. I highly recommend this place to foodies. <br/>
Mr Foodie
Mahesh Lunch Home. <br/>Kanteen Urban Kitchen by Mahesh Lunch Home Located in Al Karma. <br/>Good sitting arrangement for family and very nice ambiance. <br/><br/><br/>Service. <br/><br/>I had my lunch with my friend at Kanteen Urban kitchen, Very quick service and very friendly staff. <br/>Server suggested us very good dishes. <br/><br/>Food. <br/><br/>As suggested by the team we ordered <br/>Palkatty Dosa ( stuffed with paneer burji ) and in Prawns I order Crispy prawns ( spicy ) , fish curry with fluffy Appams ...<br/>Much more in menu. <br/><br/>All food is very good in taste. I really enjoyed my lunch with mahesh lunch home. <br/><br/>This place is for sea food lovers. <br/><br/>Good and keep it up team. 👍👍👍<br/>
Jeofrey Pereira
Super quick delivery and the chicken 65 pakoda and the rice were excellent! Thank you for such awesome service. Looking forward to ordering again sometime soon!
Sapna Kalwani
I have been looking for bunny chow in Dubai and finally found it.<br/>Tried the mutton bunny chow and it was awesome.<br/>Totally love and recommend this place.
I heard such good stuff about this place that I especially made a visit to Karama. Unfortunately, my experience was totally opposite. <br/>Staff - 5/5 very courteous and friendly staff <br/>Ambience - 4/5 bright well lit cool ambience <br/>Order to serve time - 5/5 <br/>Food - 1/5 we tried the following <br/>👉 Prawn butter garlic - we were told that they would be on the bland side of taste and we were fine with it. The prawn quality was good but there was so much oil floating in the dish and serving bowl that one could literally prepare an entire meal from that oil. Please put less oil in the dish and preferable olive oil and butter. <br/><br/>👉 Mutton seekh kebab - Looked good but were not as hot as they should be. I guess they were not prepared immediately. Served along with chutney and fried onions which were very soggy. <br/><br/>👉 Butter chicken and lachcha paratha - I had less expectations by the time we ordered the main course but I was still keeping a positive mind. The butter chicken was nowhere looking close to butter chicken. It looked more like kadhai chicken and the ingredients such as onions and tomatoes were over cooked which made the dish slightly bitter. The chicken quality was not great as well. It was a bit chewy. We left the chicken and soggy oil dripping parathas. <br/><br/>I wish this place improves its quality of meat and taste of dishes and uses less oil.
Ramona Singh
The chicken biryani was smelling bad, had a fishy smell. The chicken chettinad also did not taste fresh. Ordered food first time and this would be last time.
Food Guide Official
Dining experience - Modern dining concept<br/><br/>Location - Shop 1, Al Wasl Ivory, Beside Al Karama Medical Center, Near Karama Post Office, Al Karama, Dubai<br/><br/>Parking - Paid<br/><br/>Visit - Lunch<br/><br/>Seating - Indoor<br/><br/>Price Range - Mid-range<br/><br/>Ambience - The restaurant seems to have been renovated recently and has a lot of modern touches<br/><br/>Cuisine - Indian<br/><br/>Spiciness - Moderate<br/>- High<br/><br/>Appetizer - Crispy Prawns <br/>Main course - Hyderabadi Fish Biryani<br/><br/>Critic - I was suggested to visit the restaurant by my family members, got impressed by seeing the lively ambience of the place as i visited on a Friday after the prayer. <br/><br/>In beginning we were served the complimentary bread sticks with some tangy sauce. <br/><br/>The crispy prawn had a bit of south Indian touch with curry leaves and chilly which was alright. but it came to the point that it was tasting very dry. I would highly recommend the restaurant to add some accomplimentary sauce in order to reduce the dryness. <br/><br/>The Fish Dum Biryani did not fail to meet my biryani expectations as it was served in an earthen pot. The staff had removed the bread covering without asking, then started serving which made me not have the pics of the biryani with cover. I believe that the idea of serving yogurt with biryani was very good has it helps to enhance the taste by adding more flavor. But also it helps to bring down the temperature of the cooked food which makes it to eat faster. The staff was also very friendly and helpful in suggesting the correct dishes. <br/><br/>Comment - Overall a very satisfactory dinning experience. <br/><br/>To get more insight on my dinning experience in Kanteen Urban Kitchen follow me on instagram @Zohaibshaikh94
Tried the butter pepper garlic prawns, which was very succulent and tasty. Loved the garlicky flavor. We Also tried the butter chicken and boneless mutton sukka with lacha naan. All the dishes were tasty and really enjoyed the Food here. Hoping to go there again soon.<br/><br/>Pros: ambience, quick service, quality.<br/>Cons: quantity, pricey
Jyotsna Virwani
Recently visited this place to try the famous “quick gun murugan” and some other snacks. Highly impressed with the quality of food and drinks here. I also tried the taco bites of dosa they had on the menu and it was delicious. I am sure to come back and try more of other varieties food which are surely the talk of the town <br/> <br/><br/>Edited with additions:<br/>Kanteen is a new version of the very own neighborhood eatery, Mahesh Lunch home. With new and improved everyday recipes, Kanteen is the newest desi fusion in town. I loved the complete meals concept which were enough to be had without a side of rice or bread. They focus on taste, with new concept and home like taste. They have brought flavors that are authentic in Mangalore and other parts if India. Some unique dishes we had and learnt to make during the master class were:<br/><br/>Bunny Chow: Butter chicken and Pav Bhaji with Sarson Galawat and apple lime puree. With homemade bun sliced deliciously from the center and filled with the creamiest butter chicken, this dish was surely one of my favorites. The Pav Bhaji which was the vegetarian version of the chow was a wonderful surprise too. Not only was the making and presentation was very creative, the taste too was delicious. It’s a meal by itself. Yum o meter: 4.5/5<br/><br/>Hatt-k Quinoa salad (chicken): This one was easy to make and delicious. In a world full of health-conscious people, they came up with the Hatt- k quinoa salad which has the goodness of chicken and Kori roti. Surely one of the crunchiest most delicious meal by itself. Yum o meter: 5/5<br/><br/>Super bowl – Schezwan: One of the best complete meals I had here. The rice, dried noodles, broccoli, Schezwan flavors and much more all in a bowl. This one was the best of its kind that I have had in a long time. I loved the burst of flavors with so many ingredients in a single bowl. Yum o meter: 10/5<br/><br/>Sooji Chocolate Muffin: Was not too sweet and was such a surprise. This one was made in a creative way and not only that, this was also bite sized which means you would eat less instead of a bowl full of halwa. I loved the concept and moreover the taste. Yum o meter: 5/5<br/><br/>Karara Paneer roll: Loved the flavors and consistency of the delicious paneer fillings in the roll. Yum o meter: 4/5<br/><br/>Dosa Tacos: Loved the gun powder and bite sized tacos, the rocket leaves. It was delicious and enough for a whole-hearted breakfast. Yum o meter: 4/5<br/><br/>Kanteen the new and improved version of Mahesh Lunch home is like a breadth of fresh air. With amazing Mangalorean flavors and the taste intact, this place does not make me miss anything about Mangalore. Thanks for having me Hyper Links and Kanteen.
Roshan Thoorira
Nice food very homely for the manglorean cuisine and also great innovations with the originality of the dish maintained and a good modern twist to the India Cuisine they have given with their new inclusions. <br/>Good ambiance over all with great food and just the waiters or servers need to be a bit more attentive.
Kunal Muriya
Service - Wao , Krishna and team were great , we were there late on a Friday night and they were all smiles and happy to serve after a long day , somehow they got to know to know my birthday was due in the coming week and in anticipation they served a small cake and desserts on the house saying ( we are not sure if you will come on your birthday so in advance ) , kids were happy , newly redecorated modern set up with the desi touch in place and food .... surely recommend !! Keep it going guys !
Foodie Mankhool
Name not matching with ambience and decors food is v nice we order Punjabi dabba preparation like you are in mumbai office will try some other dishes
Very over priced. I could have got a better fish curry for 1/3 of the price. Idli was hard. We’ve had much better food in Dubai until ordering from here. Expected more with the four star rating but very disappointed at the high price and poor quality.
Sudheer MS
“Good friends would buy you Lunch, Best friends will eat your Lunch.”<br/><br/>Mahesh lunch home is very successful chain of restaurant in India, Especially in Mumbai. They serve specialized Mangalorean food. It was my first visit to Dubai outlet. Dubai restaurant menu would surprise you as it’s not very specific to Mangalorean style alone. They have some of the best South Indian dishes on menu. <br/><br/>This visit we tried<br/>1. Seafood Soup<br/>2. Neer Dosa<br/>3. Mallipuram Prawn<br/>4. Aappam <br/>5. King Fish Curry <br/>6. Rice <br/>Seafood soup was very good and loved the flavors in it. So as the Kingfish curry too, it was of excellent taste and enjoyed it. Neer dosa and Appam was done well and went very well with fish curry and Mallipuram prawn. <br/>Mallipuram prawns is roast type disk with lots of Cashew, Malli, and other spices grated and I should say that it got a surprise taste. Not all may like it, but I loved it. <br/><br/>I understand they offer very good Crab dishes where you can pick the one you like and they will cook for you. So, I want to try some Tawa Fry and Crab during next visit. <br/><br/>Nice ambiance restaurant with very attentive and friendly staff. You would find parking in front or around the restaurant.
Ordered prompfret fry.. Cooked till perfection with well coated spices. We also tried some chicken gravy.... Their Sol kadhi had an authentic maharastrian flavour
Jeofrey Pereira
Food was excellent. Delivery was delayed a bit. Other than that good value for money on this order as they had an offer. Pepper lemon fish and some beautiful vegetable rice. And kokum cooler which is excellent as well.
Food Addiction
Name has given Kanteen but the Decor and ambience will not make you feel like canteen.<br/><br/>We ordered chicken miglai which is made up of idling chunks, chicken and mangalorean masala was just amazing, masala was so flavorful and authentic. We also ordered kingfish gassi curry made with again manglorean style with thick coconut curry accompanied by neer dosa and appam. We really enjoyed every bite of it and definitely come back to try more dishes.<br/><br/>Recommended for authentic South Indian flavor. <br/><br/>Cheers!
I ordered lemon pepper fish it was with rice and kokum drink. food was not hot but packed well taste was ok not So good fish was fresh but taste less there was not lemon or pepper flavour at all kokum drink was also ok types very disappointed.........
Excellent food!!
Clinton Machado
Today the food delivered was horrible, the fish was not fresh while the curry tasted as if it was a day old.... the chicken pakodha was burnt from the outside while the inner portion was not cooked... love the food at mahesh lunch but if you can’t deliver fresh food then you should just not deliver or serve that kind of food
BBQ Beef Bulalo Beef fry Biryani Breast chicken Briyani Butter chicken Cakes Chatti choru Chelow kabab Chicken Inasal Chicken Sisig Chicken Wings Cold coffee Congee Crab desi murg Fish Fresh Seafood Grill chicken Japanese cheese cake Kobey burger Koshari Malabar Mix Grill Momo muffins Mutton peshawari Paneer Pani Puri Pasta Quarter de asado Salade cesar Samosa Sandwich Shisha Spaghetti Sweets Tawa Chicken Tea thakali set Vada pav Veal chops آيس كريم تارتوفو أجنحة الدجاج أجنحة بافلو أرانشيني أرجل السلطعون أرجل الضفادع أطباق الآساي أطباق الدجاج أطباق الكباب المخلوط أطباق المأكولات البحرية أمليت "عجة البيض" أودون أوراماكي أوسو بوكو إسكارجوت (حلزون) الآيس كريم الأخطبوط الأرز المقلي الأودون والسوبا (شعرية القمح والحنطة السوداء) الإسكالوب البايلا البط البطاطس المقلية التونة الحلزون الخبز المحمص (التوست) الدجاج المشوي الرامن (Ramen) الرربيت الويلزي الرغيف الفرنسي السجق والهريس السلطعون السلمون السمك السَّلطة الضلوع "ريبس" الكاري الكاري الأحمر الكاري الأخضر الكافيار الكركند الكسكس الكيزو الكيك اللحم البقري الماكارون المحار بابا غنوج باد تاي باذنجان بارفيه باستا ألفريدو باستا أنيولوتي باستا تالياتيلي باستا تورتيلوني باستا تورتيلي باستا تورتيليني باستا كاربونارا باييلا الدجاج باييلا المأكولات البحرية بروشوتو بروفيترول بط الماندرين بط بكين بطاطس البرافاس بفتيك بتلو بلح البحر بوتين بوريتو بوظة بوكي باولز بيبيمباب بيتزا على طريقة كاليفورنيا بيتزا مارجريتا بيض بنديكت بيف شيكس (لحم خدود البقر) بينتو (صندوق الغذاء أو علبة الطعام) تاباس (وجبة خفيفة إسبانية) تاتاكي تارت الليمون تارت تاتان تارت فلامبيه تاكو تشاو مين تشيز برجر تشيز كيك تشيلي كراب تورتة توست فرنسي تي بون ستيك تيمبورا (Tempura) جامبالايا جمبري القريدس جمبري بالثوم جيروسكوبات حساء البصل الفرنسي حساء البطلينوس (كلام شاودر) حساء الجازباتشو حساء السمك حساء الشودر حساء تشيلي حساء فو حساء كاري كاري حلوم حلوى إكلير حلوى الماكرون حلوى تيراميسو حلويات البينيه حمص بالطحينة خبز فوكاتشيا خنزير رضيع مشوي دجاج ألفريدو دجاج تندوري دجاج تيكا ماسالا دجاج كونغ باو دجاج كييف دجاج مشوح بالفلفل الحار دونات دونبوري (وعاء أرز) ديم سوم راكليت رامن الميزو رغيف اللحم رقاق روبيان روست بيف "لحم بقري مشوي" ريزوتو زبادي مجمد زلابية زلابية بالحساء ساشيمي ساندويتشات ستراتشاتيلا ستيك بالجبن ستيك تارتار سجق سلطة السلمون سلطة الكوب سلطة الكيل سمك الباس سمك الحبار سمك الحدوق سمك القد سمك الهلبوت سمك مقلي مع شرائح البطاطس سوفلاكي سوكيياكي وشابو شابو سيرف آند تيرف سيفيتشي شابو شابو شاورما شرائح لحم إنتركوت شرائح لحم الخاصرة شرائح لحم الضأن شرائح لحم بورتير هاوس شطائر البانيني شطائر الهامبورجر شطائر بو بوي شطائر فيلي تشيزستيك شطائر كروك مدام شطيرة الجبن المشوي شطيرة برجر شطيرة كلوب شطيرة لحم ستيك شوراسكو شوربة لاكسا صلصة البولونيز صلصة بيستو صلصة راجو طائر السمان طبق الأوسو بوكو طبق السيسيغ طبق الكاليماري طبق المقبلات بروسكيتا طبق ستيك فرايتس طبق ليتشون طبق ناتشوز عصائر وسموذي عصيدة من دقيق الذرة (بولينتا) فاهيتا الدجاج فتوش فطائر البانكيك فطائر التاكو المحشوة بالسمك فطائر الوافل فطائر جيوزا فطائر غاليت فطيرة الجبن فطيرة الكيش فطيرة تفاح فلافل فوا جرا فوندو فوندو الجبن فيتيلو توناتو (شرائح لحم العجل الباردة) فيليه رقيق كابوبس كالاماريس كانولي كانيلوني كباب دونر كتف الضأن كراب رانغون كرات اللحم كروستيني كروك موسيو كروكيت الدجاج كريب كريسبي باتا كريم بروليه كعك كعك الكب كيك كعك مملح وجاف كعكة السلطعون كونفيت كونفيت البط كيك الجزر كيك تريس ليتشيس لازانيا لحم الخنزير لحم الضأن لحم كوبي البقري لفائف الخس لفائف الكركند لفائف الكروكيت لفائف كروكيت المشروم مسقعة معكرونة بالجبنة (ماك آند تشيز) مقبلات أنتيباستي مقبلات كروستيني مكرونة موتزاريلا الجاموس موس الشوكولاتة ميرانغ نودلز هوت بوت وافل وكريب ياكيتوري (الدجاج المشوي بالأسياخ) ياكينيكو (اللحم المشوي الياباني) يخنات
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