‪al-yemen Al -saeed Restaurant‬ رأس الخيمة

‪al-yemen Al -saeed Restaurant‬, رأس الخيمة ‪Al Khor Road‬ - رأس الخيمة

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Based on 77 ratings and reviews
80 /100
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Ratings of ‪al-yemen Al -saeed Restaurant‬


Last update on 15/11/2023
9 Reviews
Last update on 07/08/2023
1 Reviews
Last update on 07/10/2020
7 Reviews


Sam Mclean
This is my second visit to the restaurant.
In my first visit had Meat Zurbian (loved it).
Yesterday had been with my friends and had ordered Meat Zurbian, Meat Hanid and Chicken Kabsa.
It was liked by all of my friends except Chicken Kabsa.
Kunafa with cream was also Above average.
The shining dish of restaurant is Meat Zurbian.
Staff is quite friendly.
9 months ago
Emily Hall
First of all, the sign outside has been updated to, "Al Yaman Al Saeed Mandi Restaurant" and with it the menu has been changed from what is shown here on Zomato-- I didn't realize that was the case until coming to write a review, so I didn't take any pictures to update. I will, however, share what to order from the real menu.

Went here a couple nights ago with my husband and a few friends. Initially, I was very skeptical, as I already have a favorite Yemeni place (I won't mention its name here, because that would be unfair to this restaurant). I was, however, surprised and delighted to find a slightly different, but overall really delicious experience!

Stars of the show:
- The bread. The really hit the nail on the head with crispy base, chewy inside, and flaky top. I probably could have just eaten bread for the whole meal, honestly. 1 piece can feed at least 2 people, so order sparingly! Our group of five barely started on our third piece.

- The Foul. Order, "Fasoulia Madara" It's a nice and savory bean dish, great texture with bright and somewhat herby flavor. Comes steaming in a cast iron pot. So good. 

- "Fahsa wa Salta" on the menu you'll see them as separate items, but you can order a combination-- it's basically meat (couldn't tell if it was lamb or goat) and potato stew in a delicious sauce. The flavors were really good, but a bit salty. If you're not a fan of red meat, don't order this.

- "Baeth wa Tomat" these eggs are really good, but not as good as the ones at my other place, which is why they find themselves in the "just good" category. Really nice flavors, but missing some of the smokiness I'm used to in this dish. Would still order again. 

Very nice, I'd go back. :)
Mar 27, 2019
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‪AL-YEMEN AL -SAEED RESTAURANT‬, رأس الخيمة - ‪Al Khor Road‬ - Menu and Prices

Our aggregate rating, “Sluurpometro”, is 80 based on 77 parameters and reviews

If you need to contact by phone, call the number +971 7 233 3230



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Ratings and reviews

Based on 77 ratings and reviews

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